Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Finally, I did it!

For me, its just one of those things that I put off and put off, until I absolutely need to do it. Then, while I’m doing it, I realize it’s really not that bad. I mean, I don’t want to do it every week, but it’s not the worst job in the world. What am I talking about? Cleaning the fridge. I threw out quite a bit of food. Now I can actually see some shelf space in the fridge. It was so full I couldn’t fit anything more in there. How can a fridge get so full? I mean really, we are 3 people. But I guess between all the condiments, 2 4L jugs of milk, salad dressings, and sauces that fill up the door, and left over food, fruit and veggies, cheese, margarine and eggs in the main area, it’s pretty covered. Not to mention that my bottom drawer, which should be space for fruit/veggies, is always filled with pop and beer. We really need another fridge for drinks. I did just recently put Caden on 1% milk instead of 2% milk, so that takes care of a whole jug of milk. That’s more space than you think. Anyway, I’m pretty sure I don’t do it as often as I should. How often do you clean your fridge??


Colleen said...

Too funny...sounds similar to my fridge. I hate dealing with the spoiled food.

Amy said...

hmmm I do every week, but we also have no drinks in the big one, since we have our bar fridge.

Stacey said...

We don't have drinks in our fridge, but it still gets full sometimes!

Just curious why you've switched to 1% milk.

Jamy said...

I switched to 1% just for the reason that I hate having 2 jugs of milk in the fridge. I figured I'd try it and see how he does with it. He's not a small kid. Plus, he eats alot of other dairy products, like yogurt and cheese.