Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring is in the air

The weather is finally getting nicer. It just makes everything seem great. I love being able to run outside with out a jacket if I need to. Today I even noticed that my shrubs beside my house are no longer under snow. I can only hope that it stays this nice, although somehow I have my doubts.
Well, potty training is going fairly well. Monday Caden had his first pee accident in over a week. (Aside from when he’s at the babysitters) We’re still working on BM’s, put he’s pretty much got the pee down pat. Yesterday morning he was even dry in the morning. I still put a diaper on him for night, just because he is rarely dry. He’ll have to learn that one in time I guess. Anyway, just a little update on that.
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of not one, but two babies from 2 of my dear friends. Erin is due on Mar 23 and Shar is due on Apr. 4. I am so excited for both of them as they enter in this new quest called motherhood. It’s so nice to be expanding in our little girls group. After these 2 have their babies, that makes half of us who have kids. Hopefully the other half will join in soon. (wink wink girls)
Lately I’ve been feeling like I need to get into something. I’m not exactly sure what I mean by that, other than I need a hobby. Its not that I find myself bored, as there is always something to do. Just not things that I want to do. I really really need to get started on Cadens scrapbook. He’s gonna be 2 in 2 months and I haven’t even begun his scrapbook. It was going to be my winter project, but that hasn’t happened. The main reason I haven’t started on it is the room. I have a pretty small house, in which I don’t have any extra space. I need a space where I can lay out all my scrapbook stuff, and go work at it whenever I have time for it. It takes so much time to lay everything out, that I don’t have a chance to get a page done, or even organized, before I have to clean everything up. Maybe someday.
I’m also contemplating ideas already for Cadens birthday party. Last year I made this train cake. This year, I’m thinking either a tractor, or a fire truck. Both seem a little daunting to me. The train was hard, but it was small pieces. A tractor or fire truck would be way bigger. And, how do make a true red, or a true green icing or fondant. Food coloring can only do so much. I’ll have to search for some strong dyes. Gotta love Google. I’m excited to have a birthday party for Caden again. Luckily, last year we were able to have a bbq outside. Although it did rain later on in the evening, we still had a great day. I’m hoping for similar, or better weather this year. Of course that’s still 2 months away. I’m looking forward to how he reacts to his birthday with being 2. At 1, he didn’t really understand what was happening, other than that tons of people were at his house, he got new toys, and he could stuff his face with cake. This year I think he’ll understand it a little better.
This weekend we’ll be participating in our church’s ‘guess who’s coming for dinner’. I’ll post more about that once it’s over.


Jen said...

Check out Wilton cakes it's amazing! you can also order icings.

~~Mel~~ said...

Oh when is Caden's little guy's is May 11th.

I'm glad Caden is doing so well with the potty training.

Andrea said...

I made a dump truck cake for Tate the other year...and I think a train would be challenging! haha. :) I hope can find what you need though, and I'm sure whatever you make, it'll be a fabulous cake, and of course will taste yummmy!

Stacey said...

Way to go with the potty training! Just a note though... not all kids do well with night time training. It isn't really something they learn, but only comes when their bodies are ready. It actually had to do with a hormone that is released in their brains to keep them dry at night.

Rowan has been trained during the day since he was 2, but he still wets the bed.

Amy said...

Oh dear, 2 years old...seems like just yesterday.....