Thursday, August 14, 2008

Help wanted/No T.V

Caden goes to a baby sitter 2 times a week, on the days that I work. However, his babysitter is pregnant, and due for Oct. 8. She told me today that she will continue taking Caden until the end of September. Which means I will be needing someone new after that. Does anyone know anybody who runs a small in home daycare, or someone who has kids, and would want 1 more twice a week? I don't want someone with no kids and preferably kids close to Cadens age. Yeah, I know I'm picky, but I have it so good with Teresa. Her son Brayden is 1 1/2 months older than Caden. Those boys play so well together and have become good little buddies. If I'm having Caden in day care, I want him to interact with a few other kids his age.

I also do not allow Caden to watch t.v., which is uncommon apparently. I have been asked, by several different people, what cartoons Caden likes to watch. Seriously??? He's 1!!! He does not now, nor will he for years to come, watch t.v. Come on. He plays outside, and with toys, and with pots and pans and toilet paper rolls, and he looks at books...etc. Why would I stick him in front of a t.v.?? It's important to me that he has an imagination, and kids who watch t.v all the time, lack that.

Anyway, back to the day care. I'd appreciate any feedback for options. Its a difficult thing trying to find a babysitter for your child. Hopefully someone will know of a good place so I can feel comfortable leaving my boy.


Jen said...

I am so glad I found helen. It is not fun looking for a sister.
I would suggest running an ad and then interviewing them. Like hard core. look at their houses. do they smoke, have pets, have a busy schedule, feed them from their food. You have to be picky. Andrew's first sister works at the Super store she said she just couldn't make sitting a go. No wonder. Anyway my advice be fussy. He's your kid.

Anonymous said...

Hey, no tv is a good thing. We only have computers to watch dvd's on and we let K watch Curious George once and now she only wants to watch movies. I really really try to limit it.

Jo-Refoh said...

Sorry I can't help you with your delemma. i'm all for the no tv thing. especially with such little ones. Tyrese is almost 2 and has no interest in tv whatsoever. It's to 'slow' for him. he wants to move and explore and wreck stuff. Eden doesn't care much for tv either. she would much rather have picnics with her teddy bears and play school with them. Jonathon is a totally different story. He would watch tv from 7am till 10pm if I would let him. I have to be more careful with that. but good goal to have. In those first few years where they learn so fast, why put the tv in charge of teaching them? bad idea.

Jo-Refoh said...

oh, and I love going to Micheals craft store in wpg. They have isles and isles of crafts for kids. My kids LOVE all those things in there. Now when my kids get invited to b-day parties we buy them crafts. It forces the parents to do stuff with their kids. I'v noticed that at b-day parties kids get way too many inappropriate gifts. like transformers, and those monsters that are like lego, but different. Jonathon got stuff at his party that I don't let him play with. I would have returned it to the store but i had to hurry off to work before the party was done, and when i got home he had the pkg opened. So it's a waste of money. By buying crafts, it allows for parent and child interaction. Jonathon got finger paints for christmas from someone, and we've had hours of fun with it. I think for christmas I'll get him a model car and a digital camera. He's a really good photographer. And for my girls I'll get them a karaoke machine. Tyrese,the little people garage. Got it all figured out. now for the $$$...