Thursday, August 7, 2008

August Rush

I need a push. I have no desire to do anything. My garden has so much ready. I need to make pickles. I need to can beans. I need to finish weeding. And I don't want to. Until August, I love my garden. It seems as it comes nearer, I start slacking. I'd rather do anything than be outside in my garden. I get lazy. It sucks. July seemed to go by so fast because I was so busy every week and weekend. I don't want summer to end, and yet I'm excited for winter because it means I have no worries about outdoor stuff. Can you believe I'm saying that. I HATE winter. But I get like this every year. Ahhhh!!!
On a happier note. I am sooooo excited for the Harvest Festival this weekend. Its usually a highlight of my summer. I could spend all day every day there. I love seeing people that I only see at the festival each year. But this year especially, I'm excited to take Caden. To the parade, the petting zoo, and on rides. I can hardly wait for Saturday. I have a little bit of a predicament though. The parade starts at 10. Caden has his nap at 10. What to do, what to do. I may just have to wake him up early, so he naps Can't believe I just said that, seeing as how he finally got out of his crazy getting up at 6am phase. But my mom is also in the parade with the fire department, and she wanted to take him with for a bit of the parade. Luckily the parade never starts on time.
Well, tomorrow I'm hoping to finally make it to the pool with C. I know he really wants to We'll see how the weather turns out.

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