I was way behind. You can see that the last picture entered of Avery is her 3 month pic. She's now 9 1/2. Yikes. So, what looked like this, this morning....
now looks like this.
Feels good to be caught up on 1 thing. (I won't even tell you how far behind I am on her scrap book) Plus, hasn't she gotten soooo much cuter. I love to be able to see it like this. I'll be honest. I'm not a baby fan. I rarely think they are cute, including my own. I mean seriously, look at her 1 month pic, compared to, oh lets say even her 5 month pic. What a difference.
Here's where the 'help please' portion of this post comes in. As many of you regular readers know, I've recently started making hair clips. Now what I need, is a place to keep all of Avery's. I don't wanna just stuff them away in a drawer, I want them displayed. Which brings me to this ribbon.
I just got it today. Now I need some ideas on a cute clip holder. Anyone made one? I'm thinking maybe attaching it to some sort of hanger type thing so that it either hangs down, or has something holding it down on the bottom. Here's a few I found that I like.

I don't know. Help!!
Secondly, I need a button. How???
And lastly, I've posted this on FB, but I'm gonna ask here too. Where is a good place to get pictures developed. I have been going to Wal mart. I'm fine with them when it comes to just every day pictures. But when I make cards for my kids, and send it to them, its ALWAYS cropped off. I make my card to be 4 x 6. I go in, crop it so it looks perfect, and it still comes out uneven with parts cut off. Its soooo frustrating. I make milestone cards for my kids often, and its such an ordeal. I have to go back and forth to wal mart and then home to alter the card so many times and I'm done with it. Plus with Christmas coming, I also make Christmas cards for a bunch of people and I don't wanna do so much running around.
I use the adobe photoshop program. Anyone have any help for me?