Our house is on the basement. On Saturday, our neighbours who are movers, as well as some friends got the job done.
Now before I go any further with this post, I have to say what amazing friends we have. Especially our neighbours. They have already done so much for us and its just so wonderful. They have helped us burn our house, clean it up, backfill the basement, and level out the yard. I feel so very blessed to have such awesome people in our lives that help when help is needed.
Believe it or not, I forgot to take a picture of the house actually on the basement. So, this picture shows it the best. Its not quite on yet, but its close.
Believe it or not, I forgot to take a picture of the house actually on the basement. So, this picture shows it the best. Its not quite on yet, but its close.
This weekend we are taking our 2 crazy kids to grand forks. The plan is to pick up our windows, bathtub, kitchen sink, light fixtures, and anything else we can get to bring us to our $1600 limit. We're staying at the Lakeview inns and suites with Robs parents and lil sister. I am super excited. I made the mistake of telling Caden about it already today. He hasn't stopped talking about going the the big swimming pool. I bought him new water wings last week when we were in Grand Forks for the day. He is planning to jump into the pool, by himself, with the wings. Lets see if he actually does it. I'm sure he will, as he loves to jump into the pool.
Avery has been a little feverish over the last 3 days. I'm very much hoping she will be popping out a few more teeth soon. She's also very red in the cheeks, and has had diarrhea. (tmi, i know) But classic signs of teething. I'm ready for my happy baby back. I sure can tell when the 4 hours are up, and I need to re medicate her.
This baby is now crawling. Not a totally normal crawl, unless she's on rug. But she gets where she wants to go. She is also pulling herself up onto things.
It makes me excited to see her accomplishing these things.
I need to get her to use a sippy cup. I have no recollection of how I did that with Caden. She uses her bottle now just to drink during meals. Its not that I give her a bottle as her only food. She is completely on table food. She feeds herself very well. Toast for breakfast is delicious. Grilled cheese sandwiches are so good. Not to mention her favorite snack, popcorn twists.
Today I finally took these pics of my kids.
I bought Cadens shirt before Avery was born. My friend Sarah bought Avery's as a baby gift. I've meant to take pics of them for about 2 months and I finally got around to it today. Its definitely no easy task to get them both to look and smile at the same time. When I call Avery, Caden looks at her to see if she's looking. Then she'll look and smile, but he's not looking. Ahhh!!! So frustrating.
I probably shouldn't say anything, on the off chance that I'll jinx it but my kids are sleeping until 8:00am. Don't tell them I told you. Its been wonderful. Its been fairly regular. I feel spoiled. Not sure how this happened, but I'm just praying that it continues.
Caden wants to be outside at all times. He's outside by himself alot. Some of his favorite things...
I love the pic of your Dad and Caden holding hands and looking across the water! What a special time for them!
The house is looking fantastic. You must sooo excited to see how far it's come. Are you guys able to live in it yet?
Those pics of the two of them in their shirts just melts my heart. Such sweeties.
HOpe you had a great time shopping. House stuff is always so much fun.
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