We had a great Christmas week. Spent a lot of time with family. Caden thoroughly enjoyed it. I have to say it gets better every year with him. He was so into it this year. He played so well, both with other people as well as by himself. I was so proud of him. He got some great gifts on both sides of the family. The favorites being a foot powered scooter from my parents and a remote control truck from Rick & Amy.
Last weekend we went to Grand Forks with my family. This is now the third year we’ve done this. It was so much fun. I had some shopping to do, both for myself and for Avery, but we spent a lot of time at the hotel. I prefer it that way. I hate feeling like we haven’t spent any time at the hotel when we leave. It often seems like it’s just a place to sleep and rest in between shopping. Saturday my mom and I went out for 2 hours, with out any kids, and got a bunch done. Then we spent the rest of the day in the hotel, swimming and eating. Caden absolutely loved the pool. He spent hours in there. Jumping off the side of the pool was his favorite thing. He’s becoming quite a little swimmer. As the weekend went on he got more and more brave in the water. I also took Avery in the pool. She did super well. Didn’t cry or anything. It actually even seemed as though she was enjoying it.
Well, with January almost half over already, I am beginning to look forward to summer. I know the month will fly by, as it’s a pretty busy one. We have our last Christmas gathering tomorrow, followed by a week of full evenings. Because of the cold weather, I’ve spent almost this entire week at home so next week I’ll be heading out a little more. I’m feeling cooped up. Another reason why I hate winter.
Looking ahead there are a few things to look forward to. February is pretty much empty, but in March my friend Pam is expecting baby #2. April my baby brother is getting married and in May is Cadens 3rd birthday, as well as a new niece or nephew for me. I am so excited about that one. By the time all these things happen, it’ll be summer. Yeah.
Avery is doing so well. She’s 2 months old now. We still don’t have a complete schedule down, but we’re getting there. She has been sleeping through the night though which I am so thankful for. Usually from 11:30-7:30 or 8. She’ll then have 2-3 1 hour naps, and one 4-5 hour nap. I really can’t complain. She now will also go to sleep all on her own without needing her suckie put back in a thousand times. I’m not one to rock my babies to sleep. I like to be able to put them down and have them go to sleep on their own. For a long time, she’d need her suckie put back in so many times, it was ridiculous. I let her cry it out a couple of times and now it’s much better. Every once in awhile I have to go put it back in once.
She’s also been fighting a cold for the last week which makes her really stuffy. Caden and I are also working on getting over our colds. When it hits, it hits hard.
Well, that’s all the catch up for now. Hope you all are having a wonderful start to 2010.
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