Friday, November 26, 2010
Bad blogger
We've been in our new house now for almost 5 weeks. Loving it. We still have some things to do but I am enjoying decorating and organizing. The kids are so happy and play so well.
Christmas tree is up, some presents are wrapped and the Christmas music is playing. I'm getting so excited.
And of course, the most exciting news, as you may have noticed in my side bar...we are expecting baby #3 in June. I am 12 weeks.
Thats all for now. Sad I know.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
As promised

coming soon...
In the mean time, did you know its only 1 month and 1 day until my baby turns 1? I know, crazy!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
But I've been busy. With what you ask? PAINTING MY HOUSE!!!
It's done. Took my mom and I 6 days for a total of 24 hours each. I also had a good friend help prime the house, and my MIL came for 1 day.
I Love It!! Betcha can't wait to see it. Soon you will, I promise.
The flooring guy finished today. I can't comment on how it looks cause I haven't gone to see it. I was gonna go. But then stuff happened and it got too close to the kids' bed time and I couldn't. Its killing me. I can't wait for tomorrow to come.
Whats left? All the trim. Which will (start) happening this saturday. Which means I will go to my house and as they finish a room, I will move stuff into it and make it a room. I can hardly wait. I will finally be able to put these together.
I've already told Rob that the dining room is the first order of business so I can get these babies up. I didn't want to put them together until they could go into the dining room. They take up more room put together. Now I can remove them from there box in all their beauty.
The bathroom also needs to be put together. Let me just say that I love, love, love my bathroom color. It looks fantastic. Its called Aqua bay and it is gorgeous. Might be my favorite in the whole house. Now that the flooring is done, the toilet needs to go on and the vanity needs to be put in. Also, the tub surround needs to be glued in.
The light fixture in the dining room and above the island needs to be put up. The entrance one is in and its beautiful. On that note, the island also needs to be put in.
We also need to finish the dry wall in the basement. At least I think so. I'm waiting to hear back from MSTW on that one. However, we were waiting for the upstairs to be done so we can move oh so much stuff from the basement, upstairs. That way the drywalling will go quicker.
I sold these yesterday.
They are coming this weekend to pick them up. That'll make an entire corner of my basement empty. Awesome. Plus the money doesn't hurt. At all. Its amazing how quickly you can use up ALL the money you got for renovations. One thing after another.
Won't she be cute??!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Premium or Unleaded?
Rob quit his job.
He has been working at Loewen Auto for about a year. His boss is not great. He knew that at the end of this month he'd be out of a job, because Loewen Auto is sold.
He was offered a job at Janzens Pontiac, but turned it down. (more on that later)
Well, last Monday morning, his boss tells him that Friday is now the last day. (4 days later) He had upped the sale date.
Throughout the last few months, Abe has been very dishonest about alot of things. He tells one employee one thing, and others different things. Then if they confront him he denies one or the other. Rob was promised a raise 2 months ago. He never got it.
Rob was worried that Abe would end up selling his tools with the business, or saying that some were his. Thats just the kind of guy he has turned out to be. So Monday night, Rob got a bunch of buddies together, and they removed absolutely everything of Robs from the shop from his tool box, to tires, to a filing cabinet. He told his boss he was done.
So now where is he at? Fas Gas. Yup, my husband is now a gas jockey.

Why doesn't he find a different job? Here's the thing. The guy who owns fas gas is building a new mechanics shop. Hopefully, in 3 months it'll be running. Rob is going to work at that shop, when it's ready, where he'll also be able to continue his car sales.
Therefore, he didn't really think it was fair to take the job at Janzen's, when he knew he'd be done there in a few months.
Matt (fas gas) is also letting Rob park 2 of his cars on the lot for free. He currently has 8. (I'm driving one, he drives one, 2 at fas gas and 4 parked on our yard) He is still operating his business, TAC Auto.
All in all, this worries me a little bit. I mean, our mortgage just went up and his wage just went down...way down. Not to mention that in 1 more month my mat leave is done. Oh boy. Lots of praying is happening, let me tell ya.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
"I broke it"
Oh, who am I kidding. It'd still be a big deal. I NEED my cell phone. I text wayyyyy too much. ;-)
Friday, September 17, 2010
We used to go camping, but that has changed in the last few years because of some with kids. ( I think). We do however, still do a girls Christmas every year. This is last year.
I realize not all of my friends are like me. I need time away from my kids. A weekend away is the perfect thing. And who better to spend it with then amazing friends.
We do alot of shopping. A LOT!! From Christmas gifts, to clothes for ourselves and our kids. (6 of us have kids, 2 are expecting) This year for the first time, I will be able to go to the house decor section of my favorite stores. A section that I've never entered, as I knew I didn't have a house to put things in. I Can't Wait!
I am blessed. I am lucky. I have amazing friends. I am blessed.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
In other news...
We'll see how it goes. Hopefully a few more teeth can make there way through soon.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Gonna win it.
In the last year however, I've been trying to get Caden into a little bit of tv. At the time it was because he was getting up at 6am. Now it would be nice just for a little big of down time. I've found that the only thing he'll watch for any length of time (maybe 10 minutes) is Tractor Tom. So I've bought him 4 dvd's.
I'd really like to get him into other videos as well, however I'm pretty particular about what I'll let him watch.
Well, over at Glimpse they have introduced us to a new tv/video series about race cars. I think its something Caden would absolutely love as he is very into fast cars. (thanks to his dad) I'm hoping to win a copy of the first season, but if I don't, I just may have to head out and buy it.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lets go!
I'm gonna try to get them into day care for 1 day. Fingers crossed that everything works out so that we can get the house painted as quickly as possible.
After that, we do flooring and then trim. Then the fun begins. I can't even put into words how excited I am to arrange rooms. To bring all the things up from downstairs and put them in their room. To decorate. To put all these ideas I have in my head, into reality. I can hardly wait.
I don't even know if i'll remember how to have my own house anymore. We've been living at my parents house now for almost 4 months. Yikes. It'll be like we just got married, only we have 2 kids along for the ride.
Caden is so excited to move home. Every time I take him with me to the house, I don't see him the whole time. He's inside, he's outside, he plays. With all the toys he hasn't had for so long. And he's soooo good when we're home. I think it'll be a pretty easy few weeks when we move home because he'll be so good. I hope anyway.
I'm also looking forward to Grandma's house being Grandma's house again, and not his house. I know my mom is too. Normally, Caden wants to do everything with my mom. If she's going to town for something, he wants to go with. However, in the last couple of weeks he doesn't go with anymore. He wants to stay home with me. It'll be nice.
I'm gonna leave you with a picture of the cabinets we are trying to sell. My entire kitchen/dining room was cabinets. There was no room for a table so we took all of them out of the dining room.

Saturday, September 11, 2010
This little boy is going to sunday school for the first time tomorrow and he is sooooo excited. We have been practicing a few songs. Jesus loves me, Alive Alive and Fishers of men. ( I'm not sure what songs they all sing in sunday school but these are the ones that came to me). For the last 3 days, he's been singing alive alive all the time. Today we got it on video. I love it.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New do
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Change of plans

I am going to the states tomorrow until Sunday so I'll look there and see what they have. But if I remember correctly, I've looked at every store (Kohls, JC Penney, Target etc) and they just do not carry Cuisinart.
Can't wait to start mixing and baking. And now my Christmas list has been started with the attachments. (pasta maker and food processor)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A day for Caden

At the end of the day, we're gonna go out for a nice supper and then head home. Can't wait.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Catching up/Help please***updated
Here's where the 'help please' portion of this post comes in. As many of you regular readers know, I've recently started making hair clips. Now what I need, is a place to keep all of Avery's. I don't wanna just stuff them away in a drawer, I want them displayed. Which brings me to this ribbon.