Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Advice please

The time is nearing when I am going to have to get rid of Cadens suckies. Its just another one of those things that to me, needs to happen before a child is 2. Along with sleeping in a bed and potty training. But, I need your help. How did you get rid of your childrens suckies? Is there a quick, less painful way of doing it? I've got a little head start because when Caden was around 1, I started allowing him to have the suckies for nap time and bed time only. Other than that, they sit on a shelf in his room, waiting for the next 'sleep' period to come around. He's also very attached to it. He gets really excited about being able to have his suckie for nap time and bed time. It gets him to his bed without problem. On the other hand, I've also shot myself in the foot. You see, Caden was never really attached to a blanket or stuffed animal. He needs to have a second suckie, that he holds in his hand. So not only am I getting rid of the one in his mouth, I'm also taking away his comfort item. Ahhhhh!!!! Please, I'll take any advice I can.


Colleen said...

We also used the rule that you had to be in bed to have the soother. Cole's soother was starting to tear right at the base so I kept telling him that I would break soon and he wasn't getting another one. He tore it off one afternoon just after his 2nd birthday and we were done. That night I let him keep the handle so rubbed it on his cheek for comfort.

Stacey said...

I'm having the same issue with Bria. Rowan never used a soother at all, so I didn't have to think about it. He never sucked his thumb either. Bria is the same way as Caden. She has two soothers, and needs them both to sleep. She doesn't get them during the day either, unless she somehow sneaks them out of her room. Then we put them back.

I'm thinking of cutting the nipple off of one of them to start, and then do the other in a couple weeks. Maybe the transition will be OK? I have no idea!

Jo-Refoh said...

For my kids cutting the nipple off work right away too. It wasn't the same anymore, and they handed it back to me. Done. hope it works out for you. Poor little guy. What would we do if our comfort items were snatched away from us?

Melanie said...

Cutting the nipple off didn't work for us. Our daughter kept wanting to use it. I finally just threw all of them in the garbage so I woudn't be tempted to use them again (which at 2 a.m. is very easy to give in). Cold turkey worked best for us in the soothers and bottles. Kenna slept much better after a few days of transition.

Andrea said...

That's a tough one! My son got rid of the soother without any issues...but he has a stuffed puppy that is SOOOO dear to him it's not even funny. He WILL not sleep without it. Do you think he might 'take' to a blankie or a stuffed animal if you started putting one in bed with him every time he slept? Sorry...other than that I don't have any ideas. :(