Thursday, September 4, 2008

Eye teeth

There are 2 through. Woo Hoo. 2 more to go and then maybe the 4 poopy diapers a day will stop. I can only hope.


Heather said...

Yikes! Selah only has 8 teeth so far, but I think she might be getting some molars...

Jo-Refoh said...

Seems like Caden is having dificulty with the teeth thing. I would have to lie if I said that I even noticed when My kids were teething. Jonathon had a bit of problems, but Eden and Tyrese didn't even seem to notice.

Jen said...

poopy diapers huh? I hear all about but I don't see them. Andrew is so regular he poops at daycare. I only change those kind on weekends. But we do put up with alot of screaming. A lot a lot! Hopefully the next two come at the same time again.

Jamy said...

For the most part, he's been a really good teether. The molars were a little tough, but the 8 before that i didn't notice. And the only thing i notice with these eye teeth is the full diapers 4-5 times a day, as well as loving to bite things...really really hard.