Thursday, May 27, 2010


So once again, I have to update information on our house. The bad news is it is no longer being burned down by any fire dept. I won't go into detail but I am so disappointed and upset and well, many other emotions.
We are now demolishing our house. Next week, not sure of the date yet. So if you have any interest in helping with the demolition, or know of ways in which to get rid of the pieces, let me know. I'd rather not make 20 trips to the dump.
The good news is that our basement guy called today and he'll have time in 1 1/2 weeks to do our basement. Plus, we were told by others that once the basement is done, we have to wait a month to put the house on. Not so. We only have to wait a week. Such good news. Its nice to get that thrown in.

Things are going good here at my parents. I'm not completely organized yet, but we're getting there. Today I cut the grass, and my mom and I cleaned up her upstairs pantry. On the to do list is the downstairs pantry/coma, all closets, and the rec room. I love organizing so this stuff is so fun for me.

Avery is back to herself again, after 4 days of being so much work. I hardly know what to do with a constantly whiney baby. Its so not like her. I figured she was teething, although she hasn't popped any more teeth. I don't care. She was so happy today. Played by herself. She also went down for her naps so good today, without a peep. Love it.

Unfortunately, it was raining today so we were unable to go take Cadens 3 year pictures. I'm hoping to get to that early next week.

We are catering a wedding this Saturday, which isn't such a bad thing because its suppose to rain all day. I'm praying for good weather next week. I really wanna be outside. And so does Caden. We spent some time outside yesterday. He is so loving his new bike.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well, you may have noticed that I changed the countdown of our house burning party. It was suppose to happen tomorrow, but I got the call this morning that the Winkler Fire Dept has decided not to burn my house down.
So we called Morden and talked to the fire chief. He was super pumped about the opportunity, and they are gonna do it next Wednesday. So, mark the date and head out next wednesday to watch our house burn down.

6 month card

Sorry to spoil it for those of you who don't have your cards yet. If you go to church, its in your mail box. If you're family, its coming.

Monday, May 24, 2010


My birthday boy!
Usually I make Cadens cakes, as you can see here, and here. But with all the business of moving, I just didn't have time.
This is what Rob and I got for him for his birthday. I John Deer bike. He was thrilled

Eating cake with 3 of his cousins

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happiness is... almost 3 year old, wanting so badly to sleep in his old crib and getting the chance to when he came to Grandma and Grandpa's house by himself. How funny does that look. 3 is a little old to be in a crib, wouldn't you agree?
...asking C to go change the laundry, this is what I come downstairs to see. He obviously can't reach, so why not climb in.
...first experiences. I just love watching a baby discover new things. Ever wonder how dirt would feel to new hands. cool dude. Gangsta style. Oh yeah!
...that smile. Lights up a room. No matter how tired, mad, grumpy, etc I am, I can't help but smile when I see that smile.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

6 month photo shoot

Country bumpkins no more

Well, it’s official. We are now City folk. As of today, we are living at my parent’s house. Our water got shut off today, and the hydro is being shut off tomorrow morning. Rob his friend Joey and my brother Rick moved all of the big stuff out of the house tonight, most importantly, the freezer which is going to sit in Joey’s garage. I spent all of yesterday packing up a bunch more of the small things that hadn’t yet been moved, and moved them to the new house. Wow have I made trips back and forth. I’ll be glad when that’s all done with although looking at the house tonight, there is still a lot of crap to move. I sure hope I get it all done. It feels strange to look in my house, with it being so empty. Last week I took everything off the walls, and moved my big umbrella tree to my parents. It looks so naked. Throughout the last 2 weeks, I’ve been bringing stuff the their house every time I go to town so there really isn’t too much left to bring. Besides, we’re basically just bringing clothes, pantry food and Avery’s crib. My mom has a crib upstairs, but since we’re sleeping downstairs, it makes more sense to take ours instead of taking hers apart. That way Avery can still nap upstairs.
In other news, Avery had her 6 month needle today. She did well, as usual. She is 16lbs, 14oz and 25 1/2’’ long. Getting so big. She is totally able to sit on her own now, and is getting into crawling position. I don’t think it will be long and I can’t wait. She’s not content for very long anymore. She just wants to move. Mostly to keep up with Caden I think. She loves it outside. I took her for a walk in just the stroller the other day. Usually she’s in her car seat, in the stroller. She loved it. Normally she doesn’t like to go for walks, but this was great. She was kicking her feet and just enjoying seeing everything.
I have made her 6 month card, which I will post once I’ve given them out. I’m was hoping to take Cadens pictures tomorrow, but pretty sure I’ll be too busy so it’ll wait till next week. I still haven’t started Cadens card. I’m hoping for some inspiration once I see the pictures.
Caden has been so great the last few weeks, in terms of playing by himself. I’ve been so busy. First with the wedding, and then I’ve been focused on house stuff. I feel bad for neglecting him so much, but I’ve promised him that in a few days I’ll be able to play with him more again. Poor guy-told me the other day that he needs friends to play with. He’s right. I wish he could play with other kids more. He gets bored sometimes. I had full intentions of bringing him to the Winkler day care for a day sometime. I’m gonna have to do that soon. Just so he gets interaction with other kids, and learns how to play with them. I’m pretty sure he would love it there.
Well, back to un packing our stuff here at our temporary new house.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goodbye wisdom

Finally, after putting it off for, well, about 4 years, I got my last wisdom tooth pulled. It's been a long afternoon. I hate the dentist. It makes me nervous, scared and all clammy. I got a filling and the tooth pulled, and am now in a little bit of pain as the freezing has worn off. It was the worst one I think. It didn't really hurt, just alot of pressure. Not fun. When I left I noticed for marks on my hand, from where my nails had dug in to my palm. Yikes.
However, on another note, my baby got her first tooth today. I'm sure it was out yesterday, or even the day before because its through all the way already. I was so excited I screamed and scared her. She's a month behind Caden, so I was expecting it to be soon. I just love it when babies have their 2 bottom teeth. So cute.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Birthday Invitation

No, this does not mean you are all invited, just wanted to show you the invitation :-)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

At the moment...

-although the wedding was awesome, I am so happy its over. One thing off my stress list

-finally brought our taxes away for personal and business. Yup, they were late, but I just procrastinated and then got busy with other stuff. So I’m proud of myself for getting everything organized and entered in 2 days.

-also got the business GST done in a very short time. That had to be in, no exceptions

-getting super excited for Cadens birthday. Less than 3 weeks away. Decided on a cake. Excited about making that. Can’t wait to give him his new bike that his been stored in my brothers basement.

-I have finished Cadens birthday invitation. Usually we have a big bbq at our house with family and friends. This year, because I’m doing it on the long weekend, not sure if I’m gonna invite everyone. My family is all around, mostly because my SIL is due a week later. But not sure about friends. That and who knows where the party will be with us in the process of moving.

-working on Avery’s 6 month cards…she’ll be 6 months on Saturday. Taking her pictures tomorrow

-need to plan a care group mystery meal. It was supposed to be in May, but I was too busy with other things that I didn’t get around to it. People are asking me about it. Somehow I got designated the care group social committee. I don’t mind. I’m a planner

-I’ve moved almost everything from our current upstairs, into the new house. Other than some big stuff, and Cadens toys that he still plays with. Also, some stuff out of my kitchen that I know I won’t need in the next few weeks.

-with all the stuff I’ve been going through, I have 2 big boxes full of stuff that I am bringing to twice as nice next week. I love getting rid of things. I used to be a huge pack rat but with having such a small house with very little extra room, I have really started to live by the motto, if I haven’t used it in a year, I don’t need it. Granted there are a few things, like kitchen things, that I have kept forever. I don’t use them because they are packed upstairs but once I’m in my new house, I will have them in the kitchen and be able to use them.

-I haven’t posted any pics of the new house yet because I’d like to do it at the same time as posting the updated pics. However, I want to show you the bathroom.
Yes, the tub and toilet are purple. No, we are not keeping them. So if you or anyone you know wants a purple tub and toilet, let me know. Its yours. We are gutting the entire bathroom. I’m painting the vanity and mirror, but we’re getting a new tub, toilet and flooring.
-hoping to have our house burning party in 4 weeks from today. Still can’t quite get my mind around the fact that we are actually just burning our house down. Seems like a waste, although I know that our house is old…135 years old…and not on a basement, so moving it isn’t really an option. I realize that we didn’t pay as much for our house and 1.1 acre of treed property as people pay just for their tiny empty yard in town, but its still hard. Its like burning money.
-I am sick of this weather. April, please come back. We haven’t played outside in almost a week. Caden is definitely feeling it. He’s been acting out and not listening. That boy lives outside when its nice.
-Avery is sitting. Almost by herself. I still put pillows behind her, because she does fall. But she’ll have long stretches, up to 5 minutes, of sitting without help. Its so nice. She’s getting a little frustrated with not being able to move. She does somehow manage to get around. Often she’s a good 3 ft away from where I left her. But she gets up on all 4’s and just wants to move. Soon hopefully
-she is loving her food. Cereal is great, sweet potatoes, and corn are her favorite veggies. And so far all fruits have been delicious. I love feeding a new baby. Its so great to watch their reaction to eating these foods for the first time.
-I am selling these dishes on PVOnline.
If you want them, let me know. I got the start of them, plates bowls, cups, as a wedding gift. I then purchased the rest of it until I realized that I didn’t actually even like them. Not my style. Its been sitting upstairs for 5 years because I spent a lot of money on it. Now its time to go.

Alright, enough ramblings from me for one day. I leave you with pics of my kids.