On Tuesday night, Rob and I, along with my brother and sil Rick and Amy went to see 'The Proposal'. What an awesome movie. It was almost 2 hours long, but for me it coulda been longer. There were funny parts, a few minor sad parts and so many other good parts. I loved loved loved it. Definitely one I will buy. Doesn't hurt that Ryan Reynolds is a cutie patootie, and I've always loved Sandra Bullock.
If you've seen it, let me know what you thought.
If you haven't, go see it and then let me know what you thought. :-)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Not so impressed
So, yesterday I was suppose to have my monthly doctors appt, as well as Cadens 2 year check up. I left work and had a message to call the office. My doctor was sick, so she asked if I'd be okay to see the gynecologist. I said sure. Won't do that again.
He's creepy. He came in and sat down on the bench. He asked me how I was feeling. I told him everything was good, I'm feeling great. He said, 'you're not tired, you have energy?' I said yup, for the most part. He asked if I could feel the baby move. I said yes. He asked if I worked, and what I did. He stressed several times that I shouldn't be doing any hard work. I said ok, every time. Come on man, I've done this before. Then, he said we'd try to hear the babies heart beat, but he thought we may not be able to because i'm not that far along. I told him that we had heard it at my last appointment. He sounded surprised. Come on man, I'm fricken 20 weeks preggo. Pretty sure I'd be concerned if I didn't hear the heartbeat. Sure enough, loud and clear. He thought it was a really strong heart beat for how far along I am. Ha. But he didn't mark down the heartbeat. I like to know what it is. He didn't measure my uterus, which my doctor always does. Then, before he left, he said again, 'make sure you don't do any hard work'. Grrrr. So thankful I have such a good doctor. Now I have to wait until Aug 6th to see her again cause she's on holidays at the end of July. Oh well.
Anyway, if you can avoid seeing the gynecologist at the clinic, do. He's wierd.
He's creepy. He came in and sat down on the bench. He asked me how I was feeling. I told him everything was good, I'm feeling great. He said, 'you're not tired, you have energy?' I said yup, for the most part. He asked if I could feel the baby move. I said yes. He asked if I worked, and what I did. He stressed several times that I shouldn't be doing any hard work. I said ok, every time. Come on man, I've done this before. Then, he said we'd try to hear the babies heart beat, but he thought we may not be able to because i'm not that far along. I told him that we had heard it at my last appointment. He sounded surprised. Come on man, I'm fricken 20 weeks preggo. Pretty sure I'd be concerned if I didn't hear the heartbeat. Sure enough, loud and clear. He thought it was a really strong heart beat for how far along I am. Ha. But he didn't mark down the heartbeat. I like to know what it is. He didn't measure my uterus, which my doctor always does. Then, before he left, he said again, 'make sure you don't do any hard work'. Grrrr. So thankful I have such a good doctor. Now I have to wait until Aug 6th to see her again cause she's on holidays at the end of July. Oh well.
Anyway, if you can avoid seeing the gynecologist at the clinic, do. He's wierd.
20 weeks
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 6-7 lbs depending on the day
Maternity clothes? Yup, maternity capris and shorts. My jeans still fit.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I can still sleep on my stomach
Best moment this week: Feeling pregnant. I no longer feel like people will think I might be pregnant. Its for sure.
Movement: Yup. I think I can feel it from the outside
Food cravings: Pickles. I know, so stereotypical.
Gender: Chinese calendar on todaysparent.com/genderpredictor says boy.
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Almost level with my stomach
What I miss: Umm, nothing really.
What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound coming up on Friday.
Weekly Wisdom: Why don’t we wear pants with elastic tops all the time. So comfy. And you don’t have to bother with zippers and buttons.
Milestones: Starting with maternity clothes.
Total weight gain/loss: 6-7 lbs depending on the day
Maternity clothes? Yup, maternity capris and shorts. My jeans still fit.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I can still sleep on my stomach
Best moment this week: Feeling pregnant. I no longer feel like people will think I might be pregnant. Its for sure.
Movement: Yup. I think I can feel it from the outside
Food cravings: Pickles. I know, so stereotypical.
Gender: Chinese calendar on todaysparent.com/genderpredictor says boy.
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Almost level with my stomach
What I miss: Umm, nothing really.
What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound coming up on Friday.
Weekly Wisdom: Why don’t we wear pants with elastic tops all the time. So comfy. And you don’t have to bother with zippers and buttons.
Milestones: Starting with maternity clothes.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Busy week!
I know, its been a week again. But it was a busy one.
Tuesday-girls night girls supper for Shar’s birthday. Her birthday was in April, but the person planning it didn’t plan it until now. The way we work birthday among the 10 of us is whoever’s birthday was last is in charge of planning the birthday lunch/supper for the next birthday. We started doing this in January of last year. It’s just a good way to make sure we go out and celebrate everyones birthday. Plus it’s an excuse to get together again.
Wednesday-re-discovered my hatred for painting. I took on the task of painting my bathroom. What a stupid idea. I began at 8:45am with sanding. My bathroom had purple stripes on it so those had to be sanded down before I could repaint. Then I washed the walls. This all took maybe 45 minutes.
Painting a bathroom is not fun. So very much edging to do. Plus, I have a very large bathroom, because it’s also our laundry room. I did forget to take a before picture, but I’ll look through some old pics to find one to show you, along with the after. I don’t love it, but its definitely better than the purple. I bought a new shower curtain, because the one I had is 7 years old. Yup, I bought it when I lived in my apartment. Anyway, at 4:30, I had hung the shower curtain and walked out of the bathroom. Its done.
Thursday-cleaned my house like a mad woman, tilled the garden and made 40 hamburgers…why??? Because we were hosting our care group bbq at our house. We don’t ever have care group at our house because our house is just too small. But our yard is huge and we have a lot of stuff for kids to do.
Thanks to my mom helping, it all got done with time to spare. We had a great evening, even though we were in the rain for part of it.
Ahhh, the weekend-Spent time outside on Friday, in between the rain. I was hoping to go see a movie in the theatres, but nothing good was playing. I’m waiting for ‘The proposal’ to come out.
Saturday, I had plans to paint my shed. Went to town to go grocery shopping. Of course Caden wanted Grandma to come with so we stopped in there. She decides she wants to go to wpg, so off we go. Caden, me, my mom and sil Amy. I was along for the ride, yet I managed to spend the most money. Found 2 pairs of maternity capris which I paid $100 for. That hurts a bit since I’m used to paying maybe $30-$40 for pants. But I justify it because I have been buying normal shirts and not the expensive maternity shirts. I found 3 tank tops and 2 dresses as well
I also found 3 bras. I was so excited. Normally I pay up to $50 for my bras. I found these for $10. And they are wonderful. I bought black, blue and pink.
We were back home by 6:30, making wings and wedges for supper. So delicious. I ended up staying at my parents house till almost 12:00.
Sunday off to church in the morning, then enjoying an unbelievable day outside. I lay on the trampoline and napped while Caden was inside with Rob napping. Painted a little bit of my shed, went for a 4 wheeler ride with Caden and Rob and made steak for supper. My brother Randy and his g/f Michelle came over for the evening. It was a relaxing end to a great weekend.
This week is going to be busy. Working today, doing paperwork for Rob tomorrow, getting ready for our girls night mother/daughter bbq at my moms house on Wednesday, working Thursday, and then off to Cavalier for church camping on the weekend. Not sure how I’ll get everything done, but it’ll happen.Enough of my rambling. I’ll try and post some pics soon. Have a great week!
Tuesday-girls night girls supper for Shar’s birthday. Her birthday was in April, but the person planning it didn’t plan it until now. The way we work birthday among the 10 of us is whoever’s birthday was last is in charge of planning the birthday lunch/supper for the next birthday. We started doing this in January of last year. It’s just a good way to make sure we go out and celebrate everyones birthday. Plus it’s an excuse to get together again.
Wednesday-re-discovered my hatred for painting. I took on the task of painting my bathroom. What a stupid idea. I began at 8:45am with sanding. My bathroom had purple stripes on it so those had to be sanded down before I could repaint. Then I washed the walls. This all took maybe 45 minutes.
Painting a bathroom is not fun. So very much edging to do. Plus, I have a very large bathroom, because it’s also our laundry room. I did forget to take a before picture, but I’ll look through some old pics to find one to show you, along with the after. I don’t love it, but its definitely better than the purple. I bought a new shower curtain, because the one I had is 7 years old. Yup, I bought it when I lived in my apartment. Anyway, at 4:30, I had hung the shower curtain and walked out of the bathroom. Its done.
Thursday-cleaned my house like a mad woman, tilled the garden and made 40 hamburgers…why??? Because we were hosting our care group bbq at our house. We don’t ever have care group at our house because our house is just too small. But our yard is huge and we have a lot of stuff for kids to do.
Thanks to my mom helping, it all got done with time to spare. We had a great evening, even though we were in the rain for part of it.
Ahhh, the weekend-Spent time outside on Friday, in between the rain. I was hoping to go see a movie in the theatres, but nothing good was playing. I’m waiting for ‘The proposal’ to come out.
Saturday, I had plans to paint my shed. Went to town to go grocery shopping. Of course Caden wanted Grandma to come with so we stopped in there. She decides she wants to go to wpg, so off we go. Caden, me, my mom and sil Amy. I was along for the ride, yet I managed to spend the most money. Found 2 pairs of maternity capris which I paid $100 for. That hurts a bit since I’m used to paying maybe $30-$40 for pants. But I justify it because I have been buying normal shirts and not the expensive maternity shirts. I found 3 tank tops and 2 dresses as well
I also found 3 bras. I was so excited. Normally I pay up to $50 for my bras. I found these for $10. And they are wonderful. I bought black, blue and pink.
We were back home by 6:30, making wings and wedges for supper. So delicious. I ended up staying at my parents house till almost 12:00.
Sunday off to church in the morning, then enjoying an unbelievable day outside. I lay on the trampoline and napped while Caden was inside with Rob napping. Painted a little bit of my shed, went for a 4 wheeler ride with Caden and Rob and made steak for supper. My brother Randy and his g/f Michelle came over for the evening. It was a relaxing end to a great weekend.
This week is going to be busy. Working today, doing paperwork for Rob tomorrow, getting ready for our girls night mother/daughter bbq at my moms house on Wednesday, working Thursday, and then off to Cavalier for church camping on the weekend. Not sure how I’ll get everything done, but it’ll happen.Enough of my rambling. I’ll try and post some pics soon. Have a great week!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
18 weeks
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4 lbs gain
Maternity clothes? Not yetStretch marks? Uh uhS
leep: Pretty much normal
Best moment this week: Really starting to feel the baby move
Movement: Yup. Its awesome
Best moment this week: Really starting to feel the baby move
Movement: Yup. Its awesome
Food cravings: Licorice
Gender: Dunno
Gender: Dunno
Labor Signs: Oh no
Belly Button in or out? Still in
What I miss: only needing to go to the bathroom a few times a day
What I miss: only needing to go to the bathroom a few times a day
What I am looking forward to: When others can feel baby move
Weekly Wisdom: Feeling thankful that I’m still able to sleep on my stomach
Milestones: Well, I was 4 months on Sunday
Weekly Wisdom: Feeling thankful that I’m still able to sleep on my stomach
Milestones: Well, I was 4 months on Sunday
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Bye Bye suckies
We did it. Monday evening I decided it was time to get rid of the suckies. And wow was it easier than I expected. He didn't cry. He asked where they were and I told him they were gone. It did take him 1 1/2 hours to fall asleep. He just couldn't settle down. He slept through the night, although he was up at 5:50.
Tuesday, he went down for his nap without trouble. Tuesday night took him about 10 minutes to fall asleep.
Then, Wednesday morning, I was lying on the couch and I hear him say 'Sucky'. He comes over to me and says 'Mommy, sucky'. My eyes popped open as I remembered the suckie that fell behind the couch a few days ago. I figured we were in for trouble. I got it out from behind the couch and gave it to him. He put it in his mouth. I told him, 'Caden we're all done with suckies right? You should go put it in the garbage.' Well, he walked over the the garbage, with the suckie in his mouth. He sucked it a few more times, then opened the lid and chucked it in. I was so proud. I did expect him to ask for that particular suckie at nap time but he didn't. He went right to sleep.
I am so glad this went so smoothly. I was a week late from my deadline of getting rid of it. (I wanted it gone by age 2) but we're close.
Next up...night time potty training. I'm a little scared to put him in gitch for night. For some reason getting up at 2 am to clean a pee soaked bed doesn't really get me excited. Any hints from anyone as to how to make it simple...and clean?
Monday, June 1, 2009
2 year photo shoot
On Saturday afternoon my mom and I went to the railroad tracks with Caden to take his 2 year pictures. I am so happy with how they turned out. Here are a few of my favorites. I'll also post the card I made, once I've had a change to give it out to a few more people.
This first ones my favorite. It will soon be an 8 x 10 in my living room. Hope you like the pics.
This first ones my favorite. It will soon be an 8 x 10 in my living room. Hope you like the pics.

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