She has started smiling a little in the last few days, although not as much as I'd like...:-) I'm looking forward to her being 3 months old, when she can interact more. I've never been much of a baby person.
We are all ready for Christmas. The gifts are all wrapped, as of yesterday. I'm getting excited. Tomorrow we leave for Emerson till Thursday night. Then home where we'll have Christmas on Christmas morning. Then we come to my parents house, where we'll be until the 27th, with the exception of an all day gathering on the 26th. I'm looking forward to good food, and spending time with family. I do love the holidays. And I'm especially excited for Caden to experience Christmas in a different way this year. Last year he was still a little too young to understand, but this year he is excited about his presents, he knows that its Jesus' birthday, and we are going to see Santa this evening. I love it.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Hope your holidays are everything you hope they'll be.